Tipper here. We’ve had a good day. Mom seems to have figured out what meds to give when! I think I’ll sleep through the night. Last night was a doozy! Then, Mom almost fell off the couch when I woke her up this morning! I don’t think she expected me to get back up again once I finally settled down last night (or 3:45 am, really).
Even though I’m not allowed to run the back fence barking and growling at my girlfriend, it’s been a decent day. I am still super duper ouch, even with all this medicine, but I still keep wanting to do what Tippers do. Ball, treat, belly rub, neck massage, beg for (and get) a piece of anything Mom eats, whine until she lets me outside, whine until she gets me more treats, and scare off my little brother with my crazy-eyes look whenever he gets Mom’s attention for too long.
Dr Petty emailed us today and said he will probably be able to see us tomorrow afternoon!! Woohooo! I would love to not feel so ouch and wobbly. And Mom can’t take it – watching me hurt. And she doesn’t even know the half of it! We hear great things about Dr. Petty. Fingers crossed that he can help us.
Here’s me, just a little while ago. I know chewing on tennis balls is bad for my teeth, but it makes my brain feel so, so happy!!

Aww, Tipper looks great:) loved seeing your pics.. been following your blog as my own tripawd comes home tomorrow:) glad things seem to be on the up and up for you two
We’ve been thinking about you and your Bruce! Remember Bruce us just hanging out. Still, it’s not so nice to have no way to reach out and check on him. Good luck tomorrow! I’m sure it will be a relief once you have all the logistics worked out!
Tipper, you are so delightful!! I just love how you are able to “do what Tipper’s do” in spite of have some owweees!
I love getting to know you even better! I love how your Mom loves and spoils you! I love how you give your brother the “stink yey” if he’s getting some attention! I guess you could just say I love EVERYTHING TIPPER 🙂 🙂
I’m soooo glad your Mom got that email from Dr. Petty. Tell her to update as soon as she can.
Did I mention I LOVE your pictures??? I DO! You are sooo cute!
Love.and hugs!
Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle and Frankie too!
Sally et. al. – you have been a great support throughout this journey! It’s been a tricky road with Tipper’s non-cancer aches and pains. We’ve always felt a little more encouraged by your two or three cents!
Tipper looks great! Keep those tennis balls coming!