What a difference a day makes!

Big thanks to my Tripawds community. Tipper is much “hoppier”‘today – pun intended. I learned that the pan expert from Arbor Pain Clinic is practically a stone’s throw away. A couple of days of rimadyl may have helped, or maybe it’s just the chemo wearing off after a week. We’ll keep an eye one things this week. We check in with Dr. Jeff, our general Doctor, on Thurs for cbc and ask for a referral to see the superstar pain and rehab Doctor. Hoping that there might still be funding for new rehab patients through Tripawds once we schedule our appointment!

We’re getting another carpeting estimate tomorrow night. I think both Tipper and Logan will enjoy the cushion and the warmth carpeting will bring to the living room. 🙂




3 thoughts on “What a difference a day makes!”

  1. Well Prince Tipper, sou ds like you are rocking this tripawd journey! And you are getti g squishy carpet to keep you from sliding all around. Now that’s a pretty spoiled pup!! And deservedly so!!

    Really glad ro hear some rest and Rimadyl seem to have helped you get back into the game. Good job!

    Oh…I wasn’t able to see the video on your other post. I think it’s because I have tavlet .

    Extra treats for Tipper and Logan tonight. And chocolate for you!


    Sally and Alumni Happy Hannah and Merry Myrtle too!

  2. OH and YAY for you for adding carpet to your home! That makes such a difference. You’d be surprised how many people won’t even consider throw rugs over their hardwood floors. Your willingness to add traction says a lot about your love for your pups!

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